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Search for any correspondence published by committees since the start of the current session (May 2021). 

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 3 October 2024

Displaying 5978 correspondence

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Budget 2025 to 2026

5 July 2024

Letter to the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Fiona Hyslop, 5 July 2024

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Budget 2025 to 2026

5 July 2024

Letter to the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, Neil Gray, 5 July 2024

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Budget 2025 to 2026

5 July 2024

Letter to the Acting Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy, Gillian Martin, 5 July 2024

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Budget 2025 to 2026

5 July 2024

Letter to the Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs, Angela Constance, 5 July 2024

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Budget 2025 to 2026

5 July 2024

Letter to Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, Jenny Gilruth, 5 July 2024

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

National Care Service (Scotland) Bill - Expert Legislative Advisory Group

5 July 2024

Letter from Common Weal to the HSCS Convener concerning the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill, 5 July 2024

Education, Children and Young People Committee

Additional Support for Learning

4 July 2024

Letter from the Auditor General for Scotland, 4 July 2024

Public Audit Committee

PFI expiring contracts: Follow up, July 2024

3 July 2024

Correspondence to the Convener from Peter Reekie, Chief Executive, Scottish Futures Trust, 3 July 2024

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Appreciative Inquiry resource pack

2 July 2024

Letter from Healthcare Improvement Scotland following their giving evidence on 18 June, 2 July 2024

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Review of environmental governance and compliance with MoP Decision VII/8s

2 July 2024

Letter from Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland (ERCS), 2 July 2024