Displaying 6950 correspondence
Rural Affairs and Islands Committee
6 October 2021
Letter to the Convener from the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Islands, Mairi Gougeon, 6 October 2021
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
6 October 2021
PE1857/D: Regulate the role of curator ad litem
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
6 October 2021
PE1863/C: Mandatory annual cancer blood test from the age of 55
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
6 October 2021
PE1857/E - Regulate the role of curator ad litem
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
6 October 2021
PE1860/C - New legislation for Prescription and Limitation Act
Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee
6 October 2021
Letter from the Convener to the Minister for Parliamentary Business regarding the Legislative Consent Memorandum for the Police Crime Sentencing and Courts Bill and the Health and Care Bill, 6 October 2021
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
6 October 2021
PE1894/B: Provide clear direction and investment for autism support
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
6 October 2021
PE1864/BBBBB - Increase the ability of communities to influence planning decisions for onshore windfarms
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
6 October 2021
PE1804/OO - Halt Highlands & Islands Airports Ltd's Air Traffic Management Strategy
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
6 October 2021
PE1864/AAAAA - Increase the ability of communities to influence planning decisions for onshore windfarms