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Search for any correspondence published by committees since the start of the current session (May 2021). 

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 5 October 2024

Displaying 5980 correspondence

Rural Affairs and Islands Committee

Salmon farming in Scotland

30 May 2024

Letter to Rhoda Grant, MSP for the Highlands and Islands, from Migdale Smolt and Migdale Transport, 30 May 2024

Rural Affairs and Islands Committee

Salmon farming in Scotland

30 May 2024

Letter from Inverlussa Marine Services, 30 May 2024

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Publication of the Scottish Nitrogen Balance sheet

29 May 2024

Letter from Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy, 29 May 2024

Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee

Scottish Law Commission Bills

29 May 2024

Letter from the Convener to the Minister for Victims and Community Safety, 29 May 2024

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Publication of the fourth annual Climate Change Plan Monitoring Report

29 May 2024

Letter from Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy, 29 May 2024

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Updated Planning with People Guidance

29 May 2024

Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care to the HSCS Convener concerning Planning with People, community engagement and participation guidance, 29 May 2024

Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee

Human Rights Bill for Scotland

29 May 2024

Letter from the Human Rights Consortium Scotland, 29 May 2024

Public Audit Committee

Administration of Scottish Income Tax 2022/23: HMRC follow up, May 2024

29 May 2024

Correspondence to the Convener from Jonathan Athow, Director General Customer Strategy and Tax Design, HM Revenue and Customs, 29 May 2024