Official Report 782KB pdf
*Colin Beattie (Midlothian North and Musselburgh) (SNP)
*Ariane Burgess (Highlands and Islands) (Green)
*Rhoda Grant (Highlands and Islands) (Lab)
*Rachael Hamilton (Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire) (Con)
*Emma Harper (South Scotland) (SNP)
* Attended
Dr Ralph Bickerdike (Scottish Sea Farms)
David Brown (Cooke Aquaculture Scotland)
Christine Grahame (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP) (Committee Substitute)
Ben Hadfield (Mowi Scotland)
Liam McArthur (Orkney Islands) (LD) (Committee Substitute)
Kimberley McKinnell (Bakkafrost Scotland)
Edward Mountain (Highlands and Islands) (Con)
Constance Pattillo (Wester Ross Fisheries)
Tavish Scott (Salmon Scotland)
Emma Johnston
Air adhart
Salmon Farming in Scotland