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Proposed Prostitution (Offences and Support) (Scotland) Bill

Ash Regan, Edinburgh Eastern, Alba Party

This is a proposal for a Member’s Bill

Draft proposal

Date lodged: 18 June 2024

A proposal for a Bill to create an offence of paying for sexual services, to repeal the offence of soliciting or importuning by prostitutes, to repeal previous convictions for soliciting or importuning by prostitutes and to support those in or exiting prostitution.

The consultation runs from 19 June 2024 to 30 September 2024 (previously 12 September 2024)

Read about the proposed Bill in the Consultation Document

You can download the consultation document and fill in the questions electronically or in hard copy from the above link. You can then send your response via email or hardcopy to the office of Ash Regan MSP.