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Proposed Dog Abduction (Scotland) Bill

Maurice Golden, North East Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

Member’s Bill

Draft proposal

Date lodged: 21 October 2022

A proposal for a Bill to create a new statutory offence to tackle the problem of dog theft and other situations where a dog is taken or kept without lawful authority, that would take account of considerations such as the feelings of dogs and dog welfare; and improve data recording to better inform detection and prevention efforts.

The consultation closed on Monday 16 January 2023.

Read about the proposed Bill in the Consultation Document (735KB, pdf) posted 21 October 2022

Final proposal

Date lodged: 13 September 2023

A proposal for a Bill to create a new statutory offence to tackle the problem of dog theft and other situations where a dog is taken or kept without lawful authority, that would take account of considerations such as the emotional impact and dog welfare; and improve data recording to better inform detection and prevention efforts.

Consultation summary (including a link to the published responses): Consultation Summary (506KB, pdf) posted 12 September 2023

MSPs who supported the proposal

Total supporters 38

Right to introduce Member's Bill Secured

Member's Bill introduced to give effect to proposal?

Member's Bill introduced