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Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Bill

The Bill changes the system of targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

This is a Government bill

The Bill was introduced on 5 September 2024 and is at Stage 1

Introduced: the Bill and its documents


The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 sets out interim and annual targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The Bill will replace those targets with a system of targets based on carbon budgets.

Scottish Ministers will need to set carbon budgets so that every year between 2026 and the net-zero emissions target year (2045) is covered by a budget. Each carbon budget will cover a period of 5 years and will set out the amount of greenhouse gas emissions allowed during that period.

Not exceeding a carbon budget is referred to in the Bill as a “carbon budget target”. Scottish Ministers will be under a duty to ensure each carbon budget target is met.

The Bill also changes the deadline for the first Climate Change Plan. This Plan must be laid before the Parliament as soon as possible after the first carbon budgets have been set.

Why the Bill was created

The Bill has been introduced following the advice given to the Scottish Government by the Climate Change Committee.

Accompanying Documents

Explanatory Notes (195KB, pdf) posted 04 September 2024

Policy Memorandum (158KB, pdf) posted 04 September 2024

Financial Memorandum (130KB, pdf) posted 04 September 2024

Delegated Powers Memorandum (125KB, pdf) posted 04 September 2024

Statements on legislative competence (109KB, pdf) posted 04 September 2024

Accompanying Documents (print versions)

Explanatory Notes (279KB, pdf) posted 04 September 2024

Policy Memorandum (206KB, pdf) posted 04 September 2024

Financial Memorandum (168KB, pdf) posted 04 September 2024

Delegated Powers Memorandum (232KB, pdf) posted 04 September 2024

Statements on legislative competence (160KB, pdf) posted 04 September 2024

Research on the Bill

The Scottish Parliament's Information Centre (SPICe) prepares impartial research and analysis to assist MSPs in their examination of Bills and other parliamentary business.

Research briefing on the Climate Change (Emission Reductions Targets) (Scotland) Bill

The Bill was introduced on 5 September 2024

Stage 1: general principles

At Stage 1, the Bill is given to a lead committee. This is usually the committee whose remit most closely relates to the subject of the Bill. The lead committee will consider and report on the Bill. Other committees may also examine the Bill and report to the lead committee. Finally, there is a debate and vote by all MSPs on the general principles of the Bill. If the general principles are not agreed to, then the Bill ‘falls’ and can’t become law.

Lead committee examines the Bill

The lead committee for this Bill is the Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee. The lead committee considers and reports on the Bill.

Call for views (closed)

The lead committee carried out pre-legislative scrutiny and agreed to hold a call for views.

The call for views closed on 16 August 2024.

Read the responses to the call for views

Read the SPICe analysis of the call for views (310KB, pdf) posted 11 September 2024


Correspondence: lead committee

Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Bill: expedited timeline

Letter from the Acting Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy, 9 September 2024

See a full list of Stage 1 correspondence

Work by other committees

Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee


Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee Correspondence

Scottish Government response on the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Bill

Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy to the Convener, 12 September 2024

See a full list of Stage 1 correspondence

Stage 1 Debate and decision

A Stage 1 debate will take place on 10 October 2024, to consider and decide on the general principles of the Bill.