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Bills and Laws

Education (Scotland) Bill

This Bill establishes a new body called Qualifications Scotland. It also creates a new office His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education in Scotland.

The Bill is at Stage 1


Stage 1 - General principles

Committees examine the Bill and gather views. They produce reports before MSPs debate the Bill in the Chamber. MSPs then decide on the purpose (“general principles”) of the Bill.

The Bill is at Stage 1

Committee Examination

The lead committee for this Bill is the Education, Children and Young People Committee

Find out more about this committee

Submit your views

The Committee's Call for Views is open between 28 June and 30 August. There are two options available to anyone wishing to share their views with the Committee.

Share your views via a detailed call for views, for people, groups, bodies or organisations who wish to comment on specific aspects of the Bill. 

Share your views via a shorter call for views, for people who wish to express general views about the Bill as a whole


Committee correspondence sent and received while the Bill progressed through Parliament

Work by other committees

Work by other committees will be added in due course.

Committee report

The lead committee will publish its stage 1 report before the debate on the general principles of the Bill.