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4 February 2025
Following a vote, members of the Education, Children and Young People Committee agreed with the general principles of the Schools (Residential Outdoor Education) (Scotland) Bill. However, the Committee unanimously agreed that concerns related to the costs, provision for pupils with additional support needs and the impact on teachers need to be resolved if the Bill is to become law.
The Bill was introduced by Liz Smith MSP against a backdrop of declining provision of residential outdoor education, with only a quarter of Scotland’s primary pupils and a third of secondary pupils having the chance to attend.
During evidence the Committee heard strong arguments for the Bill based on the “life-changing benefits” residentials have on pupils’ confidence and resilience. Several witnesses also spoke about the positive impact this can have on pupil-teacher relationships and attainment.
The Committee heard that residential outdoor education could be particularly beneficial to pupils from more deprived areas, however these pupils were often not able to go on trips as they were unaffordable for many parents.
The Committee identified several practical concerns that would need to be overcome though for the Bill to be delivered, with costs proving a significant barrier.
Estimates suggest delivering the Bill would cost the Scottish Government between £20 million and just over £40 million a year. However, in its report, the Committee says that national funding of residential outdoor education is a good example of preventative spend where the benefits are well documented.
The report also raises concerns about staffing, which currently is provided by teachers on a voluntary basis. While teachers were positive about their experiences, if residential education became statutory it might lead to a renegotiating of teachers’ terms and conditions, adding further barriers to delivering the Bill.
Douglas Ross MSP, Convener of the Education, Children and Young People Committee:
“Throughout this inquiry we heard about the hugely positive impact that outdoor residential education can have on the development and attainment of children and young people.
“While we agree with the general principles of the Bill, there are financial challenges attached to the delivery of outdoor residential education that need to be overcome for it to become law.
“We want to see the Scottish Government and the Member who introduced the Bill, Liz Smith MSP, work together to resolve these.”
George Adam proposed replacing paragraph 248 of the report (relating to the general principles) with the following:
"The Committee recognises the importance of the Bill’s objective to promote equal access to residential outdoor education for pupils across Scotland, and commends the Member in Charge’s commitment in bringing this matter before Parliament. However, the Committee has real concerns that it is unaffordable for the Scottish Government to provide the required funding, and there is a strong likelihood that the present model of teachers’ volunteering to take part would be undermined."
This was disagreed to by casting vote. (For: Jackie Dunbar, George Adam, Keith Brown, Bill Kidd, John Mason; Against: Douglas Ross, Miles Briggs, Pam Duncan-Glancy, Ross Greer, Willie Rennie).
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