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14 November 2024
Earlier this year the Scottish Government announced 13 proposed National Outcomes - part of the National Performance Framework - which Ministers say describe “a vision of societal wellbeing”.
In its report published today, the committee says while the government’s vision remains important, what is essential to deliver that vision is an effective implementation plan that is used in decision-making.
The committee also recommends that budget decisions are better linked to National Outcomes, and that the government should set out transparently, how National Outcomes are used to decide national policy and strategy.
Finance and Public Administration Committee Convener Kenneth Gibson said:
“The evidence we heard confirms our findings from our previous inquiry that the National Performance Framework (NPF) remains an important agreed vision of the type of place Scotland should aspire to be.
“What’s essential in delivering the NPF's vision is, however, an effective implementation plan that’s used in decision-making, and then evidenced explicitly in national strategies and policies.
“Our findings are not new, having been raised in our previous 2022 NPF inquiry and in the Scottish Government’s review consultation, as well as in this parliamentary consultation process.
“While we welcome the Scottish Government's previous commitment to provide an implementation plan, we make recommendations for the content of that plan.
“This includes better linking of budgetary decisions to the National Outcomes, as well as setting out transparently how National Outcomes will be used by the Scottish Government to decide national policy and strategy.
“In our report we focus our scrutiny on the coherence of the National Outcomes overall, while other parliamentary committees have given their views on issues raised within their remits.
“We consider there is a mismatch between the First Minister’s priority of economic growth, while National Outcomes focus on the wellbeing economy. Also, one of the government’s proposed outcomes is to 'reduce' poverty compared with the First Minister’s focus being to 'eradicate' poverty.
“In both cases we recommend that the Scottish Government reconciles these differences in the final National Outcomes.”
On the total number of National Outcomes rising to 13, Mr Gibson added:
“Whatever the final number of National Outcomes agreed by the Scottish Government, it’s important that there is an understanding of the interactions and ‘intersectionality’ between them. We have made recommendations to the Government on how better to address and report progress achieved given this complexity.”
A new title for the NPF?
“We acknowledge the rationale behind the Government's proposal for a changed NPF purpose, which focuses solely on wellbeing, rather than the current purpose which includes reference to economic growth.
“We recommend, however, that the Government should consult on the title of the ‘National Performance Framework’ given this shift in focus.
“This is one of a number of areas in our report where we recommend further - and more participative - consultation is undertaken by the Scottish Government.
“Likewise is the development of National Indicators. Wider consultation will better ensure these are robust measures of progress, that have the buy-in of stakeholders, and can be used to inform effective policy making in the future.”
The Scottish Government says that progress towards delivering the National Outcomes is a proxy for progress towards the United National Sustainable Development Goals given the close alignment between the two.
The Scottish Government is required, every five years, to consult the Scottish Parliament as part of its statutory review of National Outcomes. This is the second such review.
Following the publication of the parliamentary committees’ written views, there will be a parliamentary debate, which taken together then forms the Parliament’s consultation response to the Scottish Government.
The Scottish Government will then publish its final National Outcomes, as well as its implementation plan and its National Indicators.
Read the report: Report on the National Performance Framework: Review of National Outcomes
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