4. The Strategy’s overarching aims are to:
5. The Strategy outlines how international work will link to and support the Parliament’s Strategic and Delivery Plans. The Strategic Plan sets out the Parliament’s overarching purpose and objectives while, sitting below this, the Delivery Plan identifies more specific pieces of work. Both essentially show the Parliament’s key priorities at that time. Linking this Strategy to both Plans will point the international work in a relevant and useful direction.
6. The aims above will be achieved through a mixture of meeting parliamentarians and officials from other legislatures and organisations in person (who visit the Scottish Parliament); MSP involvement with organisations of which the Parliament is a member or with which it works; in person outward visits (when the Parliament visits other legislatures etc); and through virtual discussions. Broadly, this Strategy relates more to outward work (where the Parliament has proactively initiated engagement) as opposed to inward work (when it has reacted to requests to engage).
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Focus: the ‘three core elements’