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Language: English / Gàidhlig


Mu Phàrlamaid na h-Alba

Guide to information

All public authorities in Scotland where the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 applies must have a publication scheme to:

  • provide classes of information published by the organisation
  • tell you how you can find information and explain if it is free or if there is a charge


Publication scheme

The Scottish Parliament and the SPCB have adopted the Model Publication Scheme developed and approved by the Scottish Information Commissioner. The current version of our guide was last updated in April 2021.

The publication scheme includes information held by both the Scottish Parliament and the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB).

The model publication scheme we have adopted means we must publish information in the following categories or classes:

Class 1: About the authority
Class 2: How we deliver our functions and services
Class 3: How we take decisions and what we have decided
Class 4: What we spend and how we spend it
Class 5: How we manage our human, physical and information resources
Class 6: How we procure goods and services from external providers
Class 7: How we are performing
Class 8: Our commercial publications
Class 9. Our open data

Find the model scheme on the Scottish Information Commissioner’s website

Exempt information

We will publish the information we hold that falls within the classes of information above. If a document contains information that is exempt under Scotland's freedom of information laws (for example sensitive personal information or information which could harm the effective conduct of public affairs), we will remove or 'black out' the information before publication and explain why.

Guide to information

The purpose of this guide is to:

  • Show what information is available for each class
  • Explain any charges for information
  • Explain how to find information 
  • Provide contact details so you can get help finding information 
  • Explain how to request information that has not been published

Environmental information

The Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 provide a separate right of access to the environmental information  and this guide also contains details of environmental information that we publish. 

How to find information

Most of the information we publish is available on the Scottish Parliament website.

We are committed to providing information in an open and accessible way. If you need to access information in a different format or language, please contact us.


You can access most of the information in our Publication scheme free of charge. This includes:

  • Information available on our website
  • Free online and hardcopy leaflets, bulletins and booklets

If you request information in a different format, including in hard copy, we may charge you to cover our costs in producing this information. Please contact us if you have questions about this.

In line with our commitment to openness, accessibility and equality we will consider any charge for information requested under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 or the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 on a case by case basis. Should a charge apply to the information you need you will be told about this at the time of your request and provided with details about any charge. Any charges will be supported by a detailed breakdown of costs and will comply with the charges specified by legislation. Charges will reflect the actual costs to the Scottish Parliament for reproduction, personnel and postage for requested information. Any charges relating to information under both under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 will be apportioned accordingly.

We are required by the Equality Act 2010 to make take steps to meet the needs of people who share a relevant protected characteristic. In terms of access to information, this means making reasonable adjustments to our practices to ensure that information is accessible. This may, for example, involve producing information in a larger script or different format where it is practicable to do so. There will be no costs for reasonable adjustments including providing information in an accessible format you need.

Information available in specific languages or formats

If you need to know which languages or formats information is available in, or if you need information in a  particular language or format, please contact us.

If information is not already available in the language or format you need, we can translate documents for you and produce information in the format you need if this is asked for.

If you are contacting us in writing (including text and email), you can write to us in your language and we will reply in your language.


Information produced by the Scottish Parliament is subject to copyright and in some cases, Parliamentary copyright applies. 

Further information about copyright at the Scottish Parliament