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Event: 25th Anniversary: Children and Young Persons

This privacy statement explains how we collect and use personal information about you in relation to the 25th Anniversary celebrations at the Scottish Parliament on 29 June 2024.

We will need to collect information about you and anyone who comes with you, for example, a parent or carer, when you attend the 25th Anniversary celebrations of the Scottish Parliament.

Some of the language used in privacy notices can be specialised.  The Information Commissioner's website provides a useful introduction to key terms and concepts.

Your personal information

Information about you is your personal data. Personal data is anything that tells other people who you are, like your name or email address.

It can also be special personal data like information about your health, or what your religion is.

Keeping your information safe is very important. There are laws about how to look after your information. We have to do what these laws say.

One of these laws says we have to write a privacy notice. A privacy notice is a document that explains what we do with your information. 

Why are we collecting and using your personal information?

We will use your personal data and the data of any guest (for example, your parent or carer) in order to contact you about the 25th Anniversary and help you to attend.

We use SmartSurvey, a third-party survey tool, to collect information about you including: your name, date of birth, postal and email address, the reason for your nomination and an image/photograph of you. The survey also asks for accessibility and disability requirements so that we can support you, if required, during the event. Using Smart Survey makes it easier for you to engage with the Scottish Parliament.

Access privacy information about SmartSurvey

Email addresses provided through SmartSurvey will be captured by our third-party provider (Conesso, formerly known as Wired Plus) for communication purposes about the event and for tracking and reporting which includes your IP address and IP based location.

Read information about Conesso’s privacy policy

Contact details captured through SmartSurvey will also be held securely on Parliament IT systems, and only kept for the purposes of communicating with you about the event. These details may be shared internally with other business areas within the Parliament to provide support or assist you or your guest with attending the event.  Your personal details and the details of any guest will be deleted following the event.

Source of the information

Your parent or carer may have provided information on your behalf to your MSP in relation to a nomination as a Local Hero and 25th Anniversary celebrations.

Your MSP will have completed a survey to nominate you as a Local Hero or to enable you to be part of the 25th Anniversary celebrations of the Scottish Parliament.

Your MSP may also have collected the personal data of any guest who comes with you to the event, for example, your parent or carer.

What part of the law tells us how to handle your data?

Data protection laws say that we must have a legal basis for handling your personal data. The UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act list what these can be. Our legal basis is that sharing the personal data is necessary for a task carried out in the public interest (for normal category data) or in the substantial public interest (for special personal data) and is part of the work of the Scottish Parliament. It is also to make sure that you can access and safely attend the events for the 25th Anniversary celebrations.

“Public interest” means that your participation in the workings of the Parliament is important. It’s important that all of the people of Scotland, including you, feel that the Parliament is a place you can come to and be part of. 

Data sharing

To make sure that everyone who comes to the Parliament is kept safe, we may need to provide information to the Police. This will include your own information and your parents’ or carers’ information.

Your personal information and your parents’ or carers’ information may also be shared with other departments within the Scottish Parliament. This will only be where it is necessary, for example, to make sure you can access the event, or have refreshments, or receive information about the event.

Because the 25th Anniversary of the Scottish Parliament is an important event, information about the event and the people who attend will form part of the history of Scotland. National Records of Scotland, a non-ministerial department of the Scottish Government, keeps important records about significant things that happen in Scotland. We will share information about Local Heroes and the 25th Anniversary of the Scottish Parliament with National Records of Scotland.

Filming and photography at the event

People who come to the parliament may find themselves part of the live broadcast of the event. The Scottish Parliament will take video footage and photography of the 25th Anniversary celebrations. Video footage may also be shown on TV channels such as BBC or STV. It will then be kept as on demand footage available on the Scottish Parliament website and held for archive with National Records of Scotland. Photographs of the event will be used for promoting the role of the Scottish Parliament in educational material, on the Scottish Parliament’s website and social media accounts.

There is more information about this on the following link:

Further information on our privacy notice about broadcasting and photographs

Sometimes people from TV, radio or a website might want to talk to you about your experiences. It is up to you (or your parents or a person who looks after you) to decide if you want to do this. We can help if you do want to do this.

CCTV is also recorded in and around the building which may capture your personal data. Please refer to our specific Privacy Notice relating to CCTV. This means that there are cameras in place to make sure that the building and the people in it continue to be safe.

Read our privacy notice relating to CCTV

How long is your information kept

Personal information that is provided so that you can attend the event, for example, dietary or accessibility information, will be destroyed within 5 working days of the event.

Information about significant things that happen in Scotland may be transferred to the Scottish Parliament archive at National Records of Scotland. This may become publicly available when any restrictions on the information are lifted.

Information about the 25th Anniversary celebrations, including the Local Heroes, will be kept in accordance with the Scottish Parliament records retention schedule, a document that sets out how long public records are kept. We will not hold your personal information for longer than we need to. 

Children and young people safeguarding and child protection

In line with the principles underlying the National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland (2014), published by the Scottish Government, our staff may report a concern to the relevant authorities if they come across an issue during their work which causes them to think that a child may be at risk of abuse or harm. 

Your rights

Data protection laws give you rights about your personal information. Some of the rights will be affected by the reasons we hold your personal information and the laws we are relying on in order to hold that information.

Access to your information

You have the right to request a copy of the personal information about you that we hold.

Request personal information about you that we hold 

Correcting your information

We want to make sure that your personal information is accurate, complete, and up-to-date and you may ask us to correct any personal information about you that you believe does not meet these standards.

Objecting to how we may use your information

Where we use your personal information to perform tasks carried out in the public interest then, if you ask us to, we will stop using that personal information unless there is a good legal reason not to.

Restricting how we may use your information

In some cases, you may ask us to restrict how we use your personal information. This right might apply, for example, where we are checking the accuracy of personal information about you that we hold or assessing the validity of any objection you have made to our use of your information. The right might also apply where there is no longer a basis for using your personal information, but you do not want us to delete the data. Where this right is validly exercised, we may only use the relevant personal information with your consent, for legal claims or where there are other public interest grounds to do so.

Please contact us in any of the ways set out in the contact information and further advice sections below if you wish to exercise any of these rights.

Changes to our privacy statement

We keep this privacy statement under regular review and will place any updates on this website.  Paper copies of the privacy statement may also be obtained using the contact information below. 

This privacy statement was last updated on 8 April 2024. 


We seek to resolve directly all complaints about how we handle personal information but you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office online at:

Or by phone at: 0303 123 1113

Contact information and further advice

If you have any further questions about the way in which we process personal data, or about how to exercise your rights, please contact the Head of Information Governance at:
The Scottish Parliament
EH99 1SP

Telephone: 0131 348 6913

(Calls are welcome through the Text Relay service or in British Sign Language through contactSCOTLAND-BSL.)


Please contact us if you require information in another language or format

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