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Mu Phàrlamaid na h-Alba

New suppliers

Find out about supply opportunities and how we manage our contracts.


Contractor Performance Management (CPM)

CPM is a process we use to continuously measure and improve the performance of our contractors.

Our CPM approach is designed to:

  • be flexible and fair
  • promote a good working relationship between the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body and its contractors

Benefits of CPM

Key benefits for our contractors include:

  • understanding what we need
  • giving feedback
  • quickly solving any problems
  • proof of good performance

Contractors’ Responsibilities

We expect our contractors to:

  • make sure their performance is what we agreed it would be
  • give us information and attend regular review meetings
  • resolve any performance issues
  • be flexible to changing needs
  • submit invoices accurately and on time
  • suggest options for continuous improvement

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

KPIs are used to show how well something is working by measuring it against key objectives. As part of the tender process, we will usually provide a KPI model. This will set out:

  • what will be measured and how
  • the importance of each KPI
  • guidance on how KPIs will be scored

The Contract Manager will:

  • monitor progress
  • identify areas for improvement
  • agree actions with the contractor

If poor performance continues the contract may be terminated.