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Mu Phàrlamaid na h-Alba

Scottish Commission for Public Audit (SCPA)

Minutes: 11 December 2023

Monday, 11 December 2023

2nd Meeting, 2023

Start time: 10:30am
Location: T1.40-CR5 The Smith Room
Published: Tuesday, 12 December 2023


1. Decision on taking business in private:

The Commission agreed to take agenda items 3 and 4 in private.

2. Audit Scotland's Budget Proposal for 2024/25:

The Commission took evidence from—

Stephen Boyle, Auditor General for Scotland;

Professor Alan Alexander, Chair of the Board, Martin Walker, Director Corporate Support and Stuart Dennis, Corporate Finance Manager, Audit Scotland .

3. Consideration of evidence (In Private):

The Commission considered the evidence heard at agenda item 2 and agreed to write to Audit Scotland on issues raised during the meeting.

4. Work programme (In Private):

The Commission agreed its work programme.

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