Parliamentary staff offices
View organisational chart for the Scottish Parliament (66KB, pdf) posted 16 May 2024
The Allowances Office manages the payment of travel and expenses for Members, their staff and Parliament staff such as:
- overnight accommodation
- travel expenses
- MSP disability allowance
- MSP staff costs
- MSP office costs
- when an MSP is leaving office (winding up costs)
Payments for Members and their staff are made through the Members' Expenses Scheme.
Learn more about the Members' expenses scheme
The Broadcasting Office is responsible for the Parliament's sound and video including:
- supplying sound and video for television companies
- providing Parliament with its sound and electronic-voting system
- making videos to explain the work of the Parliament
- running the Scottish Parliament TV website
BSL Services
BSL Services promotes the work of the Parliament and public engagement in British Sign Language.
It develops and delivers the Parliament’s BSL Plan.
Learn more about our work in BSL
Business Information Technology (BIT)
The BIT Office supports the Parliament in its main building at Holyrood and in MSP offices across Scotland.
It provides:
- technology to make parliamentary business work
- IT support to MSPs, their staff and Parliament staff
Chamber Office
The Chamber Office:
- supports the Presiding Officers for all meetings of the Parliament
- supports debates and votes in the Chamber
- processes parliamentary questions and motions
- advises MSPs about the rules for motions and amendments
The Chamber Office is made up of 4 teams:
- Chamber Desk - manages parliamentary questions, motions and amendments
- Parliamentary Business Team - supports business in the Chamber
- Legislation Team - manages all parts of the Bill processes
- Non-Government Bills Unit - manages proposals for Members' Bills and Committee Bills
Staff in the Chamber Office also provide support to the Parliamentary Bureau.
Clerk/ Chief Executive’s Office
The Chief Executive’s Office supports the Clerk/Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive.
It also supports the:
- Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB)
- Leadership Group
- Advisory Audit Board
The office is responsible for:
- supporting the SPCB in its role with parliamentary funded officeholders
- electoral matters relating to the Parliament
Committee Office
The Committee Office supports the committees and Conveners' Group (a group of all the committee conveners).
Education Services
Education Services provides classroom sessions and resources about the Parliament to students in Scotland.
Learn more about Education Services
Events and Exhibitions
Events and Exhibitions manages:
- events and exhibitions in the Parliament
- the Parliament's collection of contemporary art and crafts
Learn more about Events and Exhibitions
Facilities Management
Facilities Management manages and maintains the Parliament's accommodation and many of its services such as cleaning and catering.
It advises on:
- health and safety
- fire safety management
- sustainable development
- local office support
Finance Office
The Finance Office pays, manages and reports on the Parliaments finances.
Gaelic Services
Gaelic Services promotes the work of the Parliament and public engagement in Gaelic.
It develops and delivers the Parliament’s Gaelic Language Plan.
Learn more about our work in Gaelic
Information Management and Governance Team
The Information Management and Governance team provides guidance and training in:
- records management
- information management
- archiving
- freedom of information
- data protection
- copyright
- open data
International Relations Office
The International Relations Office (IRO) helps the Parliament develop and strengthen its links with other:
- parliaments
- governments
- international organisations
Learn more about the work of the IRO
Legal Services
Solicitors in the Legal Services Office are the lawyers for the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB). They provide legal advice to:
- committees
- the Presiding Officers
- the SPCB and all offices in the parliament
- MSPs – subject to conditions set by the SPCB
Lobbying Register
The team:
- manages the Lobbying Register website and supports new and existing users
- develops policy and guidance for those engaged in lobbying, as regulated by the Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016
- promotes use of the Lobbying Register to internal and external stakeholders
- ensures compliance with all statutory duties related to the Lobbying Register
Official Report
The Official Report prepares an almost word for word written record of everything said in public meetings of Parliament and committees.
Learn more about the Official Report
Office of the Deputy Chief Executive
The Office of the Deputy Chief Executive is responsible for several functions including:
- strategy
- planning
- risk Management
- project and portfolio management
- corporate reporting
- audit
Office of the Presiding Officer
The Office of the Presiding Officer provides advice and support to the Presiding Officer and Deputy Presiding Officers.
Learn more about the Presiding Officer
Organisational Development, Colleague Experience and Diversity and Inclusion
The office provides advice and services to MSPs and their staff and Parliament staff on:
- learning and development
- equity, diversity and inclusion
- internal communications and engagement
Parliament Communications Office (PCO)
PCO promotes the work of the Parliament and uses our communications channels to increase understanding of the Parliament and support public engagement online.
It provides information to journalists on:
- committees
- Chamber business
- the work of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
- public engagement activities
PCO manages the Parliament’s:
- websites
- social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter
- digital consultation tools
- digital campaigns
It also:
- produces videos, short interviews and podcasts
- trains and supports staff
- provides social media advice to MSPs and their staff
Participation and Communities Team
The Participation and Communities Team (PACT) supports people living in Scotland to:
- get involved with the work of committees
- share their views and experiences
Learn more about PACT
People Services and Partnering Team
The People Services and Partnering Team provides advice and services to MSPs and their staff and Parliament staff on:
- workforce planning
- policies
- terms and conditions
- recruitment
Procurement Office
The Procurement Office source and procure goods and services for the Parliament.
Find out how to provide goods and services to us
Public Information and languages
Public Information and languages:
- responds to public enquiries
- develops information resources
- administers the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body complaints procedure
- arranges for translations, interpretation and transcription to other formats and languages
Public Engagement Services
This is the wider office that includes the following teams:
- Education Services
- Public Information and languages
- Gaelic Services
- BSL Services
- Visitor Services
Resilience Office
The Resilience Office helps all areas of the Parliament think about the issues that might disrupt what they normally do. It then develops plans to deal with those disruptions when they occur.
Scotland’s Futures Forum
Scotland’s Futures Forum is the Parliament’s think-tank. It works with MSPs and others to look beyond electoral cycles to the long-term opportunities and challenges facing Scotland.
Find out more about the Futures Forum’s work on its website
Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe)
SPICe provides MSPs, MSP staff and Parliament staff with:
- facts, analysis and briefings
- a research and enquiry service
- impartial knowledge
- news and current affairs
- access to academic expertise
Security Office
The Security Office provides security for the Parliament building and the people who work in it. It protects:
- MSPs, staff, contractors and members of the public
- Parliament equipment and assets
It also helps make sure business runs smoothly and people who want to visit the Parliament are safe.
Sustainability Team
The Sustainability Team is responsible for ensuring that the Parliament demonstrates leadership in sustainable development. It does this by;
- meeting the sustainability duties for public sector bodies (reducing emissions, adapting to climate change, acting sustainably)
- supporting the delivery of the Sustainable Development Programme and Plan
- supporting the Parliament to reach net zero emissions
- providing advice and information about sustainability to passholders
- embedding sustainable development thinking across the organisation
- developing training and knowledge building on sustainable development
Visitor Services
Visitor Services provides:
- tickets for public galleries in the Chamber and committee rooms
- accessible support and facilities for visitors
- guided tours and short talks
It also runs the Parliament gift shop.
Learn more about Visiting