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Mu Phàrlamaid na h-Alba

Gender balance of MSPs in the Scottish Parliament

This data has been collated and presented by SPICe in response to Recommendation 12 of the Report of the Parliament’s Gender Sensitive Audit.

Data will be produced at the end of each parliamentary year so a year-on-year picture and comparison can be made.

MSPs, Cabinet and Ministers

On 13 May 2024 there was a total of 129 MSPs, with a split of 59 male and 45 female. A total of 25 MSPs were in Government, with a split of 11 male and 14 female.

MSPs who are in Government - 56% Female, Non-Government MSPs - 43% Female, All MSPs - 46% Female

MSPs by party

Alba - Female - 100%, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - Female - 29%, Scottish Green Party - Female - 57%, Scottish Labour - Female - 45%, Scottish Liberal Democrats - Female - 25%, Scottish National Party - Female - 52%, No party  affiliation - Female - 100%


Mandatory and subject committees must have at least five but not more than 15 members. On 13 May 2024 there were 15 committees with an average of 7 members per committee.

On 13 May 2024 there were a total of 105 committee members, with a split of 59 male and 46 female members.

86% Female - Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice, 73% Female - Rural Affairs and Islands, 71% Female - Criminal Justice, 60% Female - Health, Social Care and Sport, 50% Female - Education, Children and Young People, 50% Female - Social Justice and Social Security, 50% Female - Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments, 43% Female - Local Government, Housing and Planning, 33% Female - Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture, 33% Female - Economy and Fair Work, 29% Female - Finance and Public Administration, 29% Female - Net Zero, Energy and Transport, 0% Female - Citizen Participation and Public Petitions, 0% Female - Delegated Powers and Law Reform, 0% Female - Public Audit

This data includes Conveners and Deputy conveners. Does not include substitute members.

Conveners and Deputy Conveners

On 13 May 2024 there were a total of 29 Conveners and Deputy Conveners - 18 male and 11 female.

Convener - 53% Female, Deputy Convener - 21% Female

Deputy Convener role in Education, Children and Young People Committee vacant 


On 13 May 2024 there was a total of 51 Spokespersons - 29 male and 22 female.

Scottish Labour - 45% of spokespeople are female, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 29% of spokespeople are female, Scottish Liberal Democrats - 25% of spokespeople are female, Scottish Green Party - 57% of spokespeople are female

Cross-Party Groups (CGPs)

On 13 May 2024 there was a total of 121 CPGs in the Scottish Parliament with an average of 6 MSPs per CPG.

CPGs - 45% Female membership, 55% Male membership. Six CPGs with highest female membership: Scots Language, 100% - Social Enterprise, 100% - Women's Health, 100% - Men's Violence Against Women and Children, 89% - Colleges and Universities, 86% - Disability, 86%. Six CPGs with highest male membership: 100% - Rugby Development in Scotland, 100% - Volunteering,100% - Future of Football in Scotland, 100% - Ice Sports, 100% - Japan, 100% - Visual Impairment