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Seòmar agus comataidhean

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Minutes: 28 May 2024

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

19th Meeting, 2024

Start time: 09:05am
Location: T4.40-CR2 The Fairfax Somerville Room
Published: Wednesday, 29 May 2024


1. Decision on taking business in private:

The Committee agreed to take items 4 and 5 in private.

2. Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill:

The Committee considered the Bill at Stage 2 (Day 4). 

The following amendments were agreed to (without division): 169, 174 and 180. 

The following amendments were disagreed to (by division)— 

119 (by division: For 3, Against 4, Abstentions 0) 

115 (by division: For 2, Against 5, Abstentions 0) 

69 (by division: For 2, Against 5, Abstentions 0) 

71 (by division: For 2, Against 5, Abstentions 0) 

116 (by division: For 2, Against 5, Abstentions 0) 

117 (by division: For 2, Against 5, Abstentions 0) 

74 (by division: For 2, Against 5, Abstentions 0) 

76 (by division: For 2, Against 5, Abstentions 0) 

175 (by division: For 2, Against 5, Abstentions 0) 

Amendment 207 was moved and, no member having objected, withdrawn. 

The following amendments were not moved: 120, 68, 70, 72, 73, 75, 77, 170, 171, 172, 173, 176, 78, 177, 178, 79 and 179. 

The following provisions were agreed to without amendment: Sections 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and the long title.  

The Committee completed Stage 2 consideration of the Bill. 

Edward Mountain declared an interest as a Partner in Delfur Farms Farming Partnership, of Moray and indicated he has experienced fly tipping on his land.

Jackie Dunbar declared an interest as a former Councillor for Aberdeen City Council.   

Douglas Lumsden declared an interest as a former Councillor for Aberdeen City Council. 


3. Scottish Government climate change and environmental governance stocktake:

The Committee took evidence from—

Màiri McAllan, Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy, Dave Signorini, Director of Environment & Forestry, Annabel Turpie, Director of Marine, Alison Gilfillan, Head of Strategy, Stakeholder Engagement & Skills – Offshore Wind Directorate and Kersti Berge, Director of Energy & Climate Change, Scottish Government.

Edward Mountain declared an interest as a Partner in Delfur Farms Farming Partnership, of Moray, a farming business with ancillary residential lettings.

4. Annual report (In Private):

The Committee considered a draft annual report for the parliamentary year from 13 May 2023 to 12 May 2024. The report was agreed for publication.

5. Scottish Government climate change and environmental governance stocktake (In Private):

The Committee considered the evidence heard earlier in the meeting.

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